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Ship Information

Mormon Migration Website


Standardized:  Grace LERWILL

Born: 1848

Origin: Bristol Conference

Occupation: Unknown

Voyage: Liverpool to New York
10 Jul 1873 – 23 Jul 1873

Voyage Accounts: Accounts for this voyage

Ship: Nevada

Notes:  BMR, p. 281

Liverpool to New York

Ship: Nevada

Departure: 10 Jul 1873

Arrival: 23 Jul 1873

Church Leader: Elijah A. Box

# LDS Passengers: 305

Accounts: Jump to accounts

Source:  BMR, Book #1041, pp. 281-287 (FHL #025,692); Customs #754 (FHL #175,735); Der Stern, vol.5 (1873), p. 111


A Compilation of General Voyage Notes

"DEPARTURE OF THE THIRD COMPANY. -- On Thursday morning last, at 10 o'clock, the fine steamship Nevada, Captain Forsyth, left Liverpool, for New York, with 283 souls of the Saints on board. Of this number there were 150 from the Swiss and German Mission. With only a few exceptions all the Saints in this company are booked through to Utah. Elder Elijah A. Box is placed in charge of the company and is assisted by Elders George Crisman, D. Cazier and N. H. Clayton, all of whom are returning missionaries. Elder Henry J. Smith, who speaks German, will assists Elder Box, as far as Omaha, with the Swiss and German Saints. Elder Erastus Snow who has traveled during the last three months, through the Scandinavian Mission and portions of the British Mission, instructing and comforting the Saints, also embarked on the Nevada on his return home. Sister Douglas and her son, Brother Samuel Dougals, junior, after spending several weeks among their relatives in Great Britain, also return home with this company. Our prayer is that these returning elders and Saints may be carried safely over the ocean and on the railroads, and that when they reach the land of Zion they may rejoice in the society of relations, friends and acquaintances." "Thurs. 10. [July 1873] -- The steamship Nevada sailed from Liverpool, England, with 283 Saints, in charge of Elijah A. Box. The company landed in New York July 23rd, and at Salt Lake City Aug. 1st."


Letter from Elijah A. Box - July 11, 1873

On board the Nevada, off Queenstown, July 11, 1873.President A. [Albert] Carrington.

Dear Brother,--We arrived here at 8 p.m. today. It has been very pleasant so far, and there has been very little seasickness.

We organized our company last evening, dividing it into four wards, and appointing a captain over each to look after the general welfare of the Saints. Brother Matthew Shaw was appointed chaplain, and Brother Thomas Baker captain of the guard, for the English Saints, and Brother John Kunz was appointed chaplain, and Brother Abraham Baumann captain of the guard for the Swiss Saints. Suitable instructions were given to both parties as to cleanliness, &c. The Saints are enjoying themselves with singing, &c., in which both English and Swiss join. So far everything has passed off in an agreeable manner. The officers and stewards are kind and obliging.

President Snow and all the elders are [p.459] well and join in sending greetings.

With kind regards to yourself and all in the office, I remain yours, &c.,

E. [Elijah] A. BOX.[p.460]

BIB: Box, E. [Elijah] A. [Letter] Latter-day Saints Millennial Star. 35:29 (July 22, 1873) pp. 459-60. (CHL)


Letter from Elijah A. Box - July 23, 1873

New York, July 23, 1873.President A. [Albert] Carrington.

Dear Brother:--We landed at noon today, and the Saints feel well at being so far on their way to Utah.

Across the ocean we had head winds all the way, and at times the weather was somewhat unpleasant. We had the misfortune to bury three children. Belonging to the Swiss Saints, one on the 11th, on the 13th, and one on the 20th; their names were Kroff, Kluge, and Ruesch. This had a tendency to throw a gloom over the otherwise joyous company.

The brethren, including President Snow, are all well, and wish to be remembered to yourself and all in the office.

The stewards, with one exception, were very kind and courteous; and the stewardess was particularly so to those who needed her assistance.

Brother [William] Staines met us this morning, and informed us that we should leave for Omaha tomorrow noon, July 24th. So far as I can see everything is right.

Ever praying the Lord to bless you in your responsible position, as also all your co-laborers in the work of God, and with kind regards to all, I remain you brother in the gospel,

E. [Elijah] A. Box [p.523]

BIB: Box, Elijah A. [Letter] Latter-day Saints Millennial Star 35:23 (August 19, 1873) p. 523. (CHL)




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